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I was lucky enough to be able to stay home for the first year of my daughter's life, but as her first birthday approached I knew it was financially time to get started again. The daycares in my area were all acceptable, but most were warehouse type "kindercare" places. I wanted a more personal and...Read more
The absolute worst part of becoming a new mother two years ago was trying to deal with my time off from work -- supporting myself and my family financially and guaranteeing that I would have a job to return to. I work for the University of Texas which is considered to have good benefits including "...Read more
Briana, Texas
Affordable part-time childcare/preschool through our local Park and Recreation Department is making it possible for me to help run our family business. I would be out of the workforce entirely, and our business would be suffering, were it not for this great community resource. There are very few...Read more
My husband and I are college professors. I think that places us solidly in the "middle class." However, even though we live in a fairly low rent apartment, have only one car and are both fully employed, we can't actually find child care we can afford. Every month we barely balance our checkbook and...Read more
Shanna, Rhode Island
in 2008 i was fired from nordstrom along with at least 6 other employees...i spent all of 2009 appealing my case to get my unemployment benifits, working small jobs that i found, taking my son to long beach community college preschool and taking care of my husband on disability... i started...Read more
After about five years of paying for full-time child care that I couldn't afford, I had to remortgage the house to get out of the debt that I had incurred. I was working full-time out of necessity,and therefore paying for full-time child care of necessity. My husband lost his job when our son was...Read more
A small bump in my income meant I lost the child care support that was keeping my budget in line and keeping my family stable. I am a single mother of young children and I am in law school with a degree from UW. But three years ago, a single set back destabilized my entire family. A single, and...Read more
Angelica, Washington
I was a single parent with four children, ages 2 -10. (I had left an abusive husband and was supporting all the children on my own.) I had a terrible time finding a day care provider, but was told that this certain provider was one that the Social Services recommended, so they would help with day...Read more
We live in Marin County and childcare here costs atleast $15 per hour for a babysitter. Of course you can find lower, but they usually don't speak English. I don't make much more per hour than they do so it was pointless for me to work and just hand my earnings over to the babysitter. Instead we...Read more
People are often surprised to hear that even a physician can end up on Medicaid...but I’m a great example that it can happen to anyone. I’m 32 years old, married, with two small children and I am a family physician. In January of this year, right at the beginning of a new plan year and new...Read more
