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I am terminally ill, and my husband cannot take time off to take care of me or to take me to appointments. I cannot drive, and I have had to cancel critical appointments for this reason. How many lives can be saved just by paying people when they need to take care of a critically or terminally ill...Read more
Andrea, Aurora, CO
As a physician who was employed by one of the most well known medical schools in the country, I found that after 7 years on the faculty and with all of the possible credentials and board certifications, I was being paid $8000 less than a brand new male physician in a similar role in the same...Read more
Julie, California
“My mother died a few months ago of cancer and we would have not made it as a family without the daily care from immigrant caregivers. This country needs immigrants from all walks of life and we are lucky to have them.” – MomsRising member from PennsylvaniaRead more
I want to share a quick story. I started my federal career in November of 2005 as a federal contractor with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. I had 2 little ones when I started working and during my time working at CDC I conceived another child and had a son. My cost for childcare for...Read more
I found a great family day care provider near my house, but it costs a quarter of my monthly income (and a quarter of my wife's income) in order to afford her great services. And she's one of the cheapest options we found in the area!Read more
Had to quit my job because I could not afford or find good daycare, also was denied unemployment. Employer ( before I had to quit) reduce me to parttime and did not allow me to go back to the nightshift.Read more
I have been unable to afford childcare for over a year now. Because, childcare is so cost prohibitive in Los Angeles, it is more cost effective to stay home than to work. I have many friends in the same position and all of us had to give up our jobs because childcare is more expensive than we can...Read more
The Children's School in Seattle has been at the forefront of providing quality and affordable preschool education for over 50 years. This not-for-profit school has been fortunate to maintain quality teacher, a low teacher-student ratio, low turnover rate but is still struggles to recruit quality...Read more
June, Washington
My husband and I found ourselves with a surprise pregnancy when our two children were 10 and 12. At the time I was working full time as a nanny. By the end of the pregnancy I was working for the same family part time. I took off just under a month and went back to work for them part time, toting...Read more
Sandy, Washington
I have two children who are 21 months apart. From the time that my oldest started in daycare at 6 weeks of age until the time that my son finished at age 5, we were in 9 different childcare settings. Everytime I thought they were both settled, a teacher changed or they moved to the next classroom...Read more
Anne, Washington
